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Experienced Trial Attorneys Fighting for the Injured

Workers’ Compensation

Tate Law Group

Knowing when to file a workers’ compensation claim can be very difficult to ascertain. The reason for this is that there are many complexities to these cases that add a few layers of mystery to them. One of the most important things to understand about workers’ compensation claims is that the sooner you file them the better. You are able to file a workers’ compensation claim once you have been physically injured or caught a disease from your working conditions and not a moment sooner. That being said, by delaying to file, you are putting your case at an enormous disadvantage because it will become more difficult to rule out other future causes of your physical injuries or diseases.

If you have an injury that developed over time such as carpal tunnel syndrome, then it is going to be even more difficult to prove your case because you are going to have to demonstrate how your working environment was the only potential cause of the carpal tunnel that developed over the period of a substantial period of time.

In order to make sure that you satisfy Workers’ Compensation Savannah GA requirements, you have to make a detailed filing to put your employer on notice that you are in fact filing for worker’s compensation. The notification must include the nature of the illness with details relating to the place of injury, date, time, and how the injury actually occurred. It also may be beneficial for a worker to include a list of witnesses who observed the accident as further proof to support their claim.

One potential danger of filing a workers’ compensation claim is that your employer may become upset with you and possibly try to retaliate. What is important to understand regarding this danger is that there are several laws protecting you from this. For this reason, it is best to have an attorney representing you so that you are aware of the dangers against you and will have the tools to combat them as they come to pass.

Furthermore, if you are able to return to a light-duty position after your treatment, your employer is required to find you available work in most states. This is an important protection that you have available to you that you absolutely should take advantage of if you need the money. By having an attorney by your side, you can assess all of the viable options for you to benefit from while you are in the process of filing your workers’ compensation claim.

If you are located in the Savannah area, it is highly recommended to reach out to an attorney to discuss your potential options in relation to your workers’ compensation claim. By choosing to speak with a law firm that specializes in Workers’ Compensation in Savannah GA, you will be able to ascertain how the facts of your individual case make you eligible or ineligible to file for workers’ compensation claims. It is usually best to retain counsel from the outset of your case so that you do not miss any pertinent deadlines that could have a major impact on the outcome of your case.

The best way to find the right attorney to take your case is to shop around and meet with several local attorneys for consultation appointments. By doing this, you can get a feel for who charges the best rates and has the most experience. After meeting several attorneys, you will be able to make an informed decision about who you would like to represent you in your upcoming workers’ compensation case. Once you complete this process, you will be on your way to finding the right attorney for your needs and will be one step closer to ultimately, resolving your workers’ compensation claims successfully.

The Tate Law Group has been pursuing Workers’ Compensation claims for a long time from our office here in Savannah GA. We’d love to hear your story. Find out if you have a case and what we can do for you.
