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Aviation Accidents: Plane Crash Lawsuits and Who’s Liable

Aviation Accident

Aviation accidents seem like unlikely events, but it happened recently in Savannah, Georgia.

An Air National Guard C-130 cargo plane crashed a quarter a mile away from a busy intersection after taking off from the Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport. All nine National Guard members from Puerto Rico perished in the crash.

“The planes that we have in Puerto Rico — it’s not news today that they are the oldest planes on inventory,” said Adjutant Gen. Isabelo Rivero.

The details are still emerging from this tragic plane crash. The investigation will likely take months to complete.

In reality, airplanes are not the most deadly mode of transportation. In fact, airplane accidents killed only 324 people in 2016, compared with nearly 38,000 car accident deaths. Even so, as the crash here in Savannah proves, you can still suffer personal injury or be killed in a serious incident involving aviation-related equipment.

What kind of accidents happen on planes?

A variety of accidents happen on airplanes — from malfunctioning equipment to personal injury to death.  The most common lawsuits against airlines are personal injury suits, which range from small injuries to life-changing disabilities.  If you think you may have cause for a lawsuit, contact a lawyer as soon as possible.

Who is liable for a plane accident?

That depends on the specific accident. Typically, the liability is held by the plane manufacturer, the airline or the owner/operator. In the case of the recent military plane crash in Savannah, the case is complicated because the plane underwent days of maintenance and news reports say the plane was at least 50 years old.

If you have been in a plane crash or other accident in a private plane, liability may be less clear.  Each lawsuit must be taken into consideration for the specific circumstances, so be sure to speak with your lawyer about what options you may have.

How do I find a lawyer for my claim?

Most plane crash lawsuits can be handled by a local law firm.  If you are looking for a lawyer in Savannah, Georgia, contact Tate Law Group.  Experts in personal injury, product malfunction and wrongful death, Tate Law Group can help you ensure that you get the settlement you deserve.
