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Dangerous Prescriptions, Prescription Drug Lawsuit

Tate Law Group

Modern medicine brings huge benefits to humanity. Prescription medications relieve our ailments large and small. However, some medications have unknown risks that can cause varying degrees of damage. In recent years, there have been many lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies for this very reason. Learn more about these lawsuits and consider contacting a qualified legal professional for advice regarding a prescription drug lawsuit in Savannah GA.

There are some drugs that are known to be dangerous as soon as they are put on the market. A good example of this is opioid painkillers, such as Vicodin and OxyContin. Although these medications improve the quality of life for people with pain from surgery or injury because they are opioids they have a high potential for abuse and addiction. However, many more drugs are only found to be dangerous after they have been on the market for some time and used by thousands.

One of the most famous examples of unexpectedly dangerous medicines is isotretinoin. This drug was originally sold under the brand name Accutane, and although the Accutane brand is no longer sold, the drug is still colloquially called Accutane. This is a chemical related to vitamin A that is used to treat severe acne that does not respond to any other treatment. It was approved by the FDA in 1982, and a couple of years passed before it became evident that Accutane, when used by pregnant women, causes severe birth defects including cleft palate, heart defects, abnormally small skull, and intellectual disabilities. Since then, proper precautions have been put in place to prevent the use of Accutane by pregnant women.

There are many more recent examples of medications with unknown risks, such as Januvia. Januvia was approved by the FDA in 2006 to help lower blood sugar levels in people with type II diabetes. Health professionals now urge people to use caution when using this and similar drugs, because it turns out that the benefits may not outweigh the risks. In the next couple of years, after the drug was approved, dozens of people reported developing acute pancreatitis. The majority of these people had to be hospitalized, and some went into intensive care. FDA review of these pancreatitis claims confirms that a good portion of the cases were most likely caused by Januvia. Furthermore, a study done in 2009 discovered that people who use the drug over a long period of time have a higher risk of pancreatic cancer. The makers of Januvia have continued to deny any responsibility. The legal history of this drug continues to unfold.

Zofran is another example, approved by the FDA for the treatment of nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The maker of Zofran, GlaxoSmithKline, also promoted its off-label use of preventing morning sickness for pregnant women. However, there is some evidence that when used by pregnant women, Zofran can cause heart and kidney defects in newborns. The U.S. Department of Justice announced in 2012 that GlaxoSmithKline was to pay more than $1 billion in settlements for illegally marketing Zofran for off-label morning sickness use. There are countless other prescription drugs that have led to lawsuits.

Nearly 70% of all Americans use at least one prescription drug. Because not all of them are proven safe, it is very likely that you may suffer unknown harmful effects. If you believe that you or a loved one has suffered a personal injury or illness because of a prescription drug, help is available. You can contact a lawyer or help with a prescription drug lawsuit in Savannah, GA. You may be able to receive compensation.

Contact our office Tate Law Group of Savannah, GA and we’ll listen to your story. If you have been a victim of a dangerous prescription, we want to know about it!
